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Jan. 11, 2011

The Rod Taylor Blog has begun! See my new year's resolutions below for more information. Future site updates will be done at the blog page.

Most of the pasts posts on this Update page have been incorporated throughout the site as appropriate.

Jan. 1, 2020

Happy New Year, Rod Taylor fans! A lot has been happening since my last post, including a magical trip to Los Angeles that included a visit with the lovely Carol Taylor! Here she is with yours truly on the staircase lined with Rod's artwork.

You may recognize that staircase from this photo of Carol with Rod and their dog from a magazine article in 1998.

Which brings me to the Rod Taylor Site resolutions for 2020. On Jan. 11, Rod's birthday, I'll be launching a long-thought-about blog to accompany the website. I'll use it to announce updates to the site and to write about events like the California trip, new finds from the Rod archives, details about his life and work, and more. It'll be a bit more personal than this Update page, too, with opportunities for readers to comment and interact.

The big resolution is aimed at Jan. 11, 2021, which will mark the 20th anniversary of this website! Twenty years! That's eons in internet time! Anyway, I'll be working on redesigning the website this year to make it easier to view on mobile devices. It'll be a big undertaking, as I'll be learning new technology and rebuilding a huuuuuge website. I'm looking forward to the challenge. I've been wanting to do this for a few years, but the learning curve and the size of the job has been scaring me off. But I'm full of resolve! (Which I hope does not wane after this day of resolutions!)

Happy new year, everyone!


Feb. 3, 2014

Rod Taylor participated in a rare autograph signing session on Jan. 31, 2014.

The OC Dugout, also known as Orange County Sportscards, held a private autograph signing session with Rod, and the results are posted at the ocsportscard store on eBay. The items are pricey but beautiful! Below is one of the photos they took of Rod during his signing.